Register Online Today
Online registration is open. When you register for le Tour de Femme through Be The Momentum, you will receive your own personal fundraising page. You can share this page with your friends and family and give them the ability to support you through online credit card donations.
Off-line Registration
If you would rather not register online, you can download, complete and mail back our Off-line Registration Form. We will take care of the rest! To download the form, simply click the button below.
Sponsor a Rider
Donate to a specific rider by clicking the SEARCH button below. You'll be able to enter a first name, last name or both (or even just the first letter) and a list of all the matching results will be displayed with a link to the rider's personal fundraising page.
Giving Back
Since our beginning in 2006, Grab My Wheel has managed to raise over a million dollars for the fight against cancer. You can read about where the funds have been going be clicking below.