Sponsor Riders Online
Want to donate to a specific rider, but don't know where their fundraising page is? Or, maybe you're not quite sure how to spell their first or last name? We've made it easy for you. Just enter a first name, last name or both (or even just the first letter) and press the search button. A list of all the matching results will be displayed with a link to the rider's personal fundraising page. Hope that helps and thanks for supporting the fight against cancer!
Make an Offline Donation
We understand that not everyone has embraced the computer world and still has reservation about making donations over the internet. Have no fear! If you have people that don't want to donate through your Be The Momentum website, instruct them to download, or print it out for them, the Offline Rider Sponsor Form, along with a check made out to Grab My Wheel, to:
Mailing Address
Grab My Wheel
c/o Ron Hamner
2305 Silent Stream Ct
Raleigh, NC 27607
United States
Donate Directly to the event
You can make a general donation to le Tour de Femme at our Be The Momentum web page. If you would like to make a general donation to the event, simply click here and click the Donate to le Tour de Femme button.
NOTE: General donations do not apply to a specific rider. If you are trying to sponsor a specific rider, please see the section below called "Sponsor Riders Online".